1080i vs 720p

If one has a 720p projector which can output at 1080i, is it better when using regular dvd source or HDTV to watch in 1080i or use my Faroudja processor and watch in 720p, technically speaking that is.

Bigbucks5, Yes but don't forget that (in the US) video is recorded and displayed at 60 Hz. So with 720p, 60 frames/second are recorded at full 720 resolution. 1080i is also 60 Hz, but each frame takes 2 cycles to record (1 cycle each for the even and odd lines per frame).

So during the course of displaying over 1 second, regarding the total amount of data handled, 1080i displays exactly half of 1080p, and approximately the same amount of actual data as 720p. But like you said, on the screen at any given time, the amount of data is the same between 1080i and 1080p.
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Agree, 1080i is noticibly better than 720P on my display (Pioneer Elite Kuros 60"). When sporting events are transmitted in 720P, it is actually dissapointing, to me.
"no flat panel TV today actually displays a 1080i signal. They all buffer 1080i and display 1080p."

True, but if they would then 720p should be better in spite of lower resolution, since eye is extremely sensitive to horizontal misalignment.
I would think 720 P theoretically, than, should equal 1440i, but it doesn't. Inherent limitations of bandwith, and time, if I am not mistaken?