NDM part two
Technical Talk
My first exposure to Geoff was on the Stereophile forum where he and May Belt were tag team partners, and not tag partners for all things positive or agreed upon sadly. Up to that point I had never been in such a combative, at times even hostile, setting in this hobby. These two are the masters of audio talk jousting. Why some of you here even enter into battles with Geoff is a mystery to me. That tech-talk battling for me ended when I asked both May and Geoff about their test labs and listening systems. May Belt all out refused to talk about any system and Geoff said he hasn't had an in-room system for many years. This for me is an automatic disqualifier. If I have a studio project I'm asked to work on and I show up at the engineers place and it's an empty room, no studio, no artist, it's going to be a short recording session.
For me tech talk is accompanied by a lab. If I'm talking to Bob Hodas for example we have a testing computer lab, a system and reviewer taking notes, charts and pictures to document. If I'm in my studio, I have my live room, control room, playback reference room and mastering room. Practical application for me rules supreme. So I need you guys to understand that when Geoff uses LIGO as his main reference for isolation it doesn't go very far with me. LIGO studies vibratory structure and supports the opposite from isolation. So Geoff on my tech-tech grading scale is not exactly existent.