Death of Rock 'n' Roll

Rolling Stones tour delayed due to Mick Jagger health condition
David Bowie
George Harrison
and no new ones at all

Rock\n\Roll's dead pretty much, but Jazz's still alive!
It is alive. Not popular, but alive. So is outlaw country. In both cases, you have to go out and find it for yourself.

On on the bright side, the Internet has given these long-neglected artists a way to be heard. No need for a record label and their interference. No need for radio stations and their reluctance to play anything different. How to make living at it - that’s the trick. 
Rock is VERY popular. Inexplicably, rap is more popular. No accounting for taste. 
Someone has referred to FZ (I assume the one and only Frank Zappa, my apologies, if not.) as "plain and dumb" 
I now cast upon you my hocus pocus way out of focus curse on you...
"May the Mothers of Invention haunt you the rest of your life and after life."
Thus ends this incantation. 

...and let us all remember... 
we're all entitled to our opinions.
music, audio equipment and life in general is subjective.  
Thank you, The Wicked Witch of STL. 
After the 60's-80's generation of rock and roll dies, there is no new rock n'roll.  For me, rock n'roll (new music/musicians) died in 1995 when producers began the loudness wars (compression, etc). in recordings.  No imagination or new music (well among the big "stars" of rock from 1995).  I do like electronica such as Yello but they began in the 80s too.  I dislike rap and hip hop, so for me, they're not an important form of music.  Luckily, there is still new and interesting classical and jazz composition as well as an occasional opera with very capable performers of classic music in those genres.  P.S. I also like country music but find most of today's boring.