Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.

congrats those speakers look interesting and have some nice reviews..

would also be interested in your comparison between the Tekton SE's, in what areas you like and prefer in each brand.   i assume  the SE's  would probably have better dynamics based on two 10" bass drivers?   
I demoed the speakers last night and I'm impressed enough that I will follow that up with a home audition.
I heard them on April 3 at a dealer.
I was intrigued enough by the sound to get a home audition.  I don't want to say much more because it was a system and room that I wasn't familiar with.  I'm not sure when I'll get the home audition but I'll be sure to give a full report then. 
I demoed the Nenuphar again today.  It's a really incredible speaker.   For my taste, however, it was a little 'dry' and didn't have the emotional impact that I'm used to and looking for.  
With the right associated equipment I suspect (hope) I could dial it in but it would be a work in progress rather than a plug and play purchase.
I would describe it as a 'cerebral' speaker rather than soulful one.
It really can be intoxicating in terms of its spatial presentation, clarity, and the way it energizes the room. It's really special.