Pop-up spam is making this site unusable.

The pop up spam on my iPhone is making audiogon unusable. Is anyone else having the same issue when viewed from an iPhone?
I was reading a post in the Audiogon digital forum and received a popup spam message again. I was okay for a while but these popup spams started again the last few days.  I emailed Audiogon Customer Support of this issue.   

Someone mentioned these popups are web pages but I do not not know.  Please note these popup spans only appear when I am browsing Audiogon.  I get NO popups when browsing any other audio site or anything else.

t seems I only receive the popups in the Forum section and not the for sale section. 

My Safari popup blocker is on and so is my fraudulent web blocker. My IOS version is 12.2 and is the most current version.  

If anyone else is receiving these popup spam messages, please email Audiogon Customer Support at:



I just bought Crystal (.99) for IOS because the last couple of days has been terrible!  Hope this works.

arftech,  Please email your popup spam issues to Audiogon Customer Support at:


It is very important that they know others are also having this issue    Thanks  

Here are two solutions that seem to be working. 

1.  Don’t use the safari browser... download google and use that browser for audiogon. 

2. Go to the App Store and download stopad... it’s free... this seems to allow you to then use safari. 

Will report back back if either of these stop working. 
Download Norton Ad Blocker for free from the App Store. One button to turn it on and that’s it, you won’t see any of the garbage.