Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?

This is a set of adhesive-backed thin plastic pieces that one attaches to one’s transport or player disc tray. The disk rests on them during non-spin mode, but presumably don’t touch the applied thin pieces during playback mode. The company says the new Dark Matter pieces reduces background scattered light from reaching the photodetector, thereby improving performance. 

Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions. 
@jetter- Man, that's a little severe. I just shuttered uncontrollably for a bit and lost my appetite for the day...
@mapman - what took 14,000 posts, for Mike to admit he wants to tickle Geoff all over? GACK! So much for eating tomorrow......
+1 Michael but with out the tickling. I don't want to see what that would do to Geoff, he is kind of like, on the fence (of sanity that is) as it is.

A few days ago I received my sample from Geoff and my responsibility is to find where I think the product might work the best and for who, looking for what. Geoff at this point is as high on my list as the company who sent us their $25,000.00 mono block amps. Wouldn’t it be totally cool if Geoff created the perfect CD tune? I think it would be anyway. Wouldn’t it be great if Geoff really was the smartest guy on campus? Wouldn’t it also be great if all Geoff has been trying to do is get us to relax a little, and we simply didn’t understand his sense of humor? Wouldn’t it be great if at the end of the day we realized we were all family? 

Michael Green

Here is my room hit list for Friday morning at AXPONA 2019:

16-Aster: Shelter
384: Schiit
354: Fern & Roby
362: ATC/Lone Mountain Audio
442-444: Glenn Poor/Technics
452: Aesthetix
478: CPT A/V; Emerald Physics
552: Xact Audio
546: Linear Tube Audio
606: Linear Tube Audio
652: CAT
670: Benchmark Media Systems
696: Linear Tube Audio
1429: Sanders Sound Systems
1440: Durand Tonearms & Evolution Acoustics
1480: AGD Productions
8415: Linear Tube Audio
8470: Etymotic Research
9424: Mag-Lev Audio

Hope to see some of you in the rooms!