
I am wondering which tube preamps are recommended with Ayre VX-5 amp.?
Speakers are Magnepan 1.7i

Any suggestions would be highy appreciated.



That is a good question. What is lacking?

In fact there is lacking nothing, maybe a little bit romance and body, but

in the other hand I am afffraid to lose openness, dynamic and holographic sound I have with K-1xe preamp.

Ayre is especially good with balanced preamps.  The Ayre preamps, Aesthetix, and Rogue RP-7 all click those boxes.
Currently I am using Spendor D9 speakers.  Also I agree with drew_k that you want to stay balanced with Ayre.  I currently use the Ayre Codex DAC but my QX5/20 will arrive tomorrow.  Audience AU24SX XLR cables connect the system.
In order to really get all you can out of the amp you do need a balanced preamp as you've already surmised. But what most people don't realize is that there is a balanced standard; and that this standard is there to prevent ground loops and also prevent your interconnect cables from imposing a sonic fingerprint. If you've ever auditioned cables to see which is better then you know what I mean.

So I would always check with the manufacturer to see if the preamp supports the standard. Most tube and many solid state preamps don't.  This is why there is a controversy about balanced line; there would be none if all the gear supported the standard.

in the other hand I am afffraid to lose openness, dynamic and holographic sound I have with K-1xe preamp.

If would expect this to be improved by a tube preamp.