need advice, am looking at Marantz sr6004 receiver

now using Yamaha rx992, also have b&w 602 speakers, center cc6, I would like to upgrade all speakers and sub (velodyne 1012) as well.
I need some advice as to which receiver I should get looking to spend about $1,300, any input would be welcome,
on the POD problem with the 6004, I read lots of reviews and none of the professional reviews mention the "POD" factor, but individual posts do a little much for my confort(any truth to it???? probably some, a pro review says to stay away from the gray market Marantz 6004's $899 and go with a reputable dealer pay the $1299.00 and minimize chances of having a problem.
I looked at reviews for the Denon 3310ci marantz 6003 Yamaha rx v-2065 and the concensus on the 6004 reviews are still better.
Here's reviews for 6004 & competitors.