Sony PS-X9

I'm close to making a purchase of mentioned TT.  Price is right at $13K.  Price wise, could I buy a better TT ??

Thanks in advance, 

@lewm - my wife and I had dinner with him (Doug Hurlburt of DSA); a generous and respectful person.  I must say, to my ears the DSA audio room was one of the best sounding of the show, Michael Fremer spent much time there. I would have loved to have heard Mr. Hullburts amps paired to the MBL speakers.  his phono impressed me enough that I had to purchase one. 

Hi jg2077,
13K is quite an investment even though PSX9 is truly better than the lot of above mentioned tables. Even TTS8000 is better than most and can take any arm you like (with accompanying base TB2000 or TB1000). Please also consider serviceability of a direct drive vintage equipment. Any way both are more MUSICAL compared to some of the well known nowadays s...and uninspired designs.
@petg60   I considered the TTS 8000, but was impressed by the Final Audio Lab research VTT-1, and thus bought it.  Eventually, I will get rid of the other Tables mentioned.  Believe it or not, the Basis and  Verdier are good sound tables.  One can do better, but as you state, there is much worse than either of these two...

