Right now you're confused because the options seem endless with no clear way of figuring it all out. In reality there is a very clear and systematic way and it is proven to work.
First you go and listen to everything in your price range. A $3k budget works out, in round numbers, to about $1k each for amp, speakers, and wire. Listen to everything you can find in this range. Wire breaks down to interconnects, speaker cables, power cords. How many of each depends on your choice of amp. Either way you can see already we have narrowed infinity down to a manageable range to audition.
Now in the process of listening I can just about guarantee you will decide you do not want a receiver after all. There simply are no receivers made that will give you the sound quality of a similarly priced integrated amp. Listening is a learning experience and that is one of the first things you will learn.
The next is you get a lot more for the money with two good speakers than two plus a sub. Don't ask why the world is pushing subs on you if that's the case, just listen and hear for yourself.
Ditto interconnects, power cords, speaker cables. With $1k total for all you are looking at $200-300 for each. Don't even consider any component that won't accept a power cord. That's not their way of saving you money. That's their way of telling you they just aren't serious about sound quality.
Notice all this is based on what you hear. Only way to go. Notice I am recommending a process only and not any particular piece of gear. Buying based on looks or specs or advice or anything else is setting yourself up to fail. So get off the internet, get out there, and listen.