Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?

This is a set of adhesive-backed thin plastic pieces that one attaches to one’s transport or player disc tray. The disk rests on them during non-spin mode, but presumably don’t touch the applied thin pieces during playback mode. The company says the new Dark Matter pieces reduces background scattered light from reaching the photodetector, thereby improving performance. 

Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions. 

It depends how much listening pleasure you get from laying down. As geoffkait points out, springs are very important in whole story. Mattress manufacturers have always been a step ahead of audiophile community.

It is a great feeling to free yourself of gravitational constraints. Every child on the trampoline would gladly attest.

You actually have something that is called Super Stiff? Good for you, and the end users. Can you elaborate? mapman seems to be interested in all aspects of increasing listening pleasure.
The most obvious use of springs from a historical perspective was when Kubrick was filming the faked Moon landing on a movie set outside London somewhere as a favor to NASA, under extreme pressure to make a “show of force” to the Ruskies that particular day. Springs on the shoes of the actors who played the astronauts, at least one borrowed from the making of 2001 A Space Odyssey just prior, possibly Kier Dullea, made it appear they were walking on a low-gravity lunar surface. Kubrick stated later in an interview he got the idea from watching Roadrunner cartoons. A side note: it was Kubrick’s wife who came up with the line, “One small step for man, one giant step for mankind.”
I just looked up Stanley Kubrick and his involvement on the Moon. Not that interesting.

However, there was a link to a much more audiophile-related and important topic. The moon is only four miles away from Earth. It is closer than some neighborhood grocery stores.

That changes the whole gravitational waves, black holes, and what not theories. Even directionality may be affected.

In practice, if the spring is appropriate and we, one by one please, get free from Earth’s gravitational forces, next AXPONA could be on the Moon.
I always assumed AXPONA was where all the losers from CES went to try to recover their losses. In fact I was told AXPONA is CES spelled backwards.