What is the one piece of advice you would give about attending AXPONA?

Greetings all - For those of you that have been, what is the one piece of advice you would give to someone attending it for the first time, or to any audio show for the first time? 

Planning to to attend all three days. Riding the elevator to the top floor and taking the stairs down, is one thing I’ve read, and of course it makes perfect sense. What else? Thanks in advance for your responses. 
1.  Don’t go to audio rooms where the main representative gave you a BS promise about a forthcoming product, unless it’s Schitt. 

2. Don’t ask to use the bathroom in any audio room to take a dump, unless it’s Schitt. 
And please...
Take a shower and brush your teeth. 
Don’t undervalue the power of breath mints. 
Doug that’s funny 😀you can do it if the hotel allows...The way the hotel was design there is a space in the middle 😀
Again, thank you all for commenting. The tongue in cheek comments are funny. Well, mostly.