Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker

There’s another thread going about Joseph Audio Pulsar speakers which I did not want to derail, but it is showing up some common logical fallacies and dead ends I wanted to talk about.

As anyone who has read my posts knows, I’m a huge proponent of DIY for speakers and cables especially. Not that I think you should only go with DIY but because the more audiophiles who can build their own we have in the community the less snake oil gets spread around as fact and there’s less worshipping of the price tag as the almighty determiner of speaker performance.

The myth I want to talk about is kind of related. It is the idea that we should value speakers based purely on driver cost. JA’s Pulsars suffer from this because they seem to use off the shelf components, in very nice cabinets, with perfectly executed crossovers. The thing that I don’t understand are buyers who look at driver cost, and say "well, these speakers should cost no more than x amount, so I’m not buying them... "

I call hogwash. Speakers are more than a collection of parts. They are curated components brought together by a designer and manufacturer. Those same people who are likely to engage in this behavior:

  • Can’t actually design a speaker themselves
  • Would NEVER build a DIY speaker even as a complete kit because it doesn’t have a brand, nor would they buy an assembled DIY speaker.
  • Would probably go with a speaker with in-house drivers which have an even higher markup
  • May not have very good ears anyway

My point is, knowing the price of the parts does not make you at all qualified to judge what the final price should be. That is, fairly, in the hands of the market, and it doesn’t actually make you a better listener or more informed buyer. I would argue you end up buying speakers for brands with even more of a markup and more likely to have questionable performance.

It’s perfectly reasonable for a manufacturer to charge for parts, and skill. So, yes, talking tech and drivers and crossover components is always fun, but please stop evaluating the price of finished goods until you’ve attempted at least designing one pair yourself.

And again, DIY is a lot of fun, and if you want to go that way, you should, but let’s not denigrate high value, high quality manufacturers and delers by reducing them to part assemblers any more than you'd judge a restaurant based on the cost per pound of chicken.

Thank you,

But anyway, there absolutely is some voodoo magic in the Pulsar -- it’s the infinite slope crossover.
stereophile measured the pulsars. The measurements look like its 2nd order. Not infinite
Yeah, you’re right.  From your completely uninformed and ignorant reading of a simple graph, you obviously have nailed it.  You can now build your own Pulsar on the cheap.  Oh, but then there’s this: 

From Jeff Joseph as of today:

“The filters we use are asymmetrical, there is a very steep slope on the woofer and a gentler slope on the tweeter. This infinite slope topology differs from conventional filters in several ways. The implementation is not as steep as our earliest designs, because I found this to be the best sounding trade off of filter q and driver integration.

Compared to slow slope filters, ours confines most of the overlap between the drivers to below the crossover point, where wavelengths are longer. This prevents the lobing effects of wave interference. The speakers balance through crossover remains intact along a broad vertical axis.

The other major benefit is that we can derive the full benefits of using metal cone woofers because the special filter effectively suppresses the high frequency ringing the stiff cones exhibit. A second order filter wouldn’t come close to doing that. ( the metal woofers are typically +13 dB at the hf breakup frequency relative to their usable output, and a 2nd order filter only rolls off at 12dB per octave)”

@kenjit — does that answer your question?

How you gonna replicate this without violating a patent?  Best of luck with that buddy! Just go home and lick your ill-informed and ignorant wounds. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and no basis for your claims, and if you try to come back at this in any misinformed way, I will have Jeff come back and smack down any other uninformed and misguided crap u try to lay down. Live in ur own silly world dude.


I went to their site and I don't see the speaker that you are describing. Could it be a discontinued model?

The performance of a speaker depends on the parts. All things being equal, better drivers gives more power handling more dynamics less distortion and more detail. If youre paying 8000 bucks on a pair of speakers which uses drivers costing a couple hundred bucks then obviously most of the money is not going into the product youre buying. Youre getting less bang per buck.

All the excuses cited about the rent, running costs is hogwash. I want my money being used maximally on the product not on running costs, which doesnt benefit me. Its funny how nobody has mentioned greed and profit as if theyre not factors that determine the price. If I pay 8000 bucks then i want my moneys worth. if not, its overpriced simple as that.

Its a fallacy that buying a commercial speaker means its designed by an expert that knows what theyre doing. Hogwash. They dont know how much baffle step compensation is needed or preferred they dont know whether you prefer an infinity slope or linkwitz riley or bessel, theyre just guessing. Theyre just designing a product that appeals to as many audiophiles as possible to maximise sales.
Diy is one way to avoid all that and design a speaker that is customised to YOUR preferences, room acoustics and music. Saving money is a byproduct.