Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?
as far as output level, as several posters already noted, the consumer output level was established as -10db, while the pro level was established at +4 db. so considerable difference. if you plug a pro level deck into a consumer level pre amp, will have to lower the output a tad to make sure you don't overload the input stage. 

and yes, 1.0volt into a phono input is way too hot for most preamp phono stages.....

but if you side step the playback electronics on the deck, you can come off the tape head and go into a phono stage. The eq willl need to be changed from RIAA or NAB or IEC, but the gain will be similar. 

happy reeling. 

The more I play my reel the better it sounds, and this isn't imaginary; reels don't like to be left idle, they can quit working if not used.

Just another reel tip.
Well one thing led to another and he offered me a mint B77 high speed unit for what I considered a very fair price considering he was shipping it from Switzerland to the USA!
A capstan adapter can be used to change the speed on a deck. A number of pro audio decks use this to do 30 inches but it can also be used to go from 7.5" to 15". If you've ever wondered why many machines (such as Ampex) have a threaded hole in the top of the capstan, its there for a capstan adapter. You might run into an issue with equalization but NAB 7.5" and 15" EQ is the same.
Opened up the Sony today and the output pots were set at approx 2/3 of available span. Did not bother to hook up a meter to check if it was actually 0.78v as still low even if spot on.
Cranked them both to max then backed off both a hair and then retried playback.

A fair increase in volume relative to volume setting on my amp without any distortion or artifacts I could hear so a win I would say.

Thank you Ralph and Al.
a B77 with Bottlehead is a wonder, ask me how I know ? 
Uber glad to see ya going off the deeper end.