New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

@taras22 wrote:
04-12-2019 7:53pm
“As an example my pre-amp swings 60 volts and a Kronon doesn’t work as well on the output as a three conductor assembly.”

Taras, did you mean to write the following:
“As an example my pre-amp swings 60 volts and a Kronon doesn’t work as well on the output as a SINGLE (that is, ONE) conductor assembly.”
Sorry if my description caused some confusion..... to clarify, the Kronon cables are based on a single ( as in one ) conductor assembly whereas the cables that perform better in that particular placement are cables that have three conductors in the assembly. ( where assembly refers to part of the cable that make up the bit btwn the two plugs ). This would include the Standard, and the Reference ( which are no longer produced ), and the currently produced Solfeggio, Ref J, and the Ne Plus Ultra.

Taras, thanks for this explanation. TBH, I seem to recall from the recesses of my mind you having mentioned at AXPONA 2018 that the Teo Audio IC’s with multiple fluid conductors as having better sonics than the corresponding single fluid conductor IC’s. I might not have appreciated what you meant at the time, tho. Lol
Maybe not so much better overall in all situations ( as I mentioned the Kronon is my fave, especially when cost is considered...and it works in most applications ) but having applications in which they are the best. Or put another way, just like speakers, cables, ours included, all have strengths and weaknesses....the trick is to match solutions to problems and produce the least remainder.
To Taras22 or Teo_Audio, Guys you really have me confused. I own a somewhat high-end system that consists of a YBA Genesis CD4 CD player used as a transport, a Musical Paradise MP-D2 Tube DAC, a 135lb, 40W/ch, Mastersound Reference 845 Integrated, SET amp and a pair of Beauhorn Virtuoso speakers w/Lowther PM5A drivers that have Ticonal magnets.

I replaced my ICs with your Teo Ultra ICs, which I love, 2+ months ago now. I have considered even moving farther up the Teo line, but your offerings here on Audiogon are the GC Jr., GCII, Ultra, and Kronon ICs. Yet when I go to Teo’s own webpage the analog ICs are listed as the ApheHelios, Splash, Splash Rs and Splash Rc and to make things even more confusing above that it lists the liquid ICs as Reference, Splash, and Standard!

Can one of you two clear things up for me?  Please tell me plainly... 

  • what is your present line of analog ICs these days from top to bottom?
  • where is the Ultra IC in this line?
  • what improvements would I hear moving up to Kronos or higher?
  • also is my Teo Ultra ICs a single or 3 conductor cable?

Thanks, Thetubeguy1954 (Tom)