I've heard the Classic Audio Loudspeaker, both T-1 and T-3 many times. The recent field-coil versions are remarkable. They are faster and just as detailed as the best electrostatics, yet very relaxed, and image easily. They are also very cohesive. The beryllium diaphragms used are custom-built. The have no breakups until about 40KHz, so the speakers are exceptionally smooth, even more than the Cogent, which uses phenolic diaphragms (or at least, did the last time I heard them).
The speaker also is easy to set up- you don't have to have it far from the walls to make it image well. It has bandwidth to 20Hz, and is about 99 db 1 watt/1 meter and 16 ohms. So you can shake the walls with a fairly small amplifier. IOW not only is this one of the best speakers you can buy at any price, but it is also easy to drive.