Organic, musical and natural sounding speakers up to $12K

Getting a new place next year. Living room will be approx 12-14ft x 16-18ft x 10ft.

Getting a new system and am starting with speakers. Brands I have shortlisted (recommended from magazines and forums) are:

1) Audionote J or E
2) Spendor (model ?)
3) Harbeth (model ? - perhaps 30.2/40.1 or ?)
4) Devore (0/93 or 0/96?)

I auditioned Audionote and Harbeth briefly a few years ago. If I recall, Audionote was organic, musical and natural. Harbeth SHL5 plus was natural and musical...but don’t remember if they were more organic than the Audionotes.

HF extension/air is definitely not a priority for I find it often translates to tizz to my ears. I love a large soundstage - big full sound!

With the 4 brands, am I heading in the right direction? Any feedback from users would be greatly appreciated. I am open to other brands too.


Magnepan MG3.7i (magnetic-planar), Sanders Model 10 (electrostatic), but only if you can place them well out into the room (3' minimum, 5' better), firing down the longer dimension of the room.
Nice clean used 40.1 or 40.2 and you're done.  You're definitely heading in the right direction.
The Spendor D7 or D9 should be a nice fit! I never had a Spendor that I didn’t like!!

I would add Proac to that list as well. The D-30RS, or if you can squeeze it in the D-48R.
Ohm Walsh 5000's (you can tweak them to your liking)


Salk SS9.5

No particular order.