There have been many different tests in audio. There is one where they used an incomplete system vs a system what could reveal all the aspects of sound. 97% did choose blind for the system that can reveal all the aspects of sound.
When we let new clients hear a Tru-Fi system we never heard that they prefer their own trial&error system. Most people told that they had no idea how many aspects sound is founded on. They did choose pure by gambling. Most even cannot describe what their personal preference is. This proves how thin the line is where you are walking on when you do audio by trial&error.
This is why you need to learn audio lovers what sound is and how music sounds in real. This will make them understand audio a lot better. So they can understand it and use it for their own system. People have their own personal taste in music, But sound and music still sounds as it sounds in real. Like our emotion works rather the same way. You need audio products who come a lot closer to the way how instruments and voices sound in reality.
This is why the audio market needs a new mindset to create products which come closer to the truth. This is what people need and should be given. It will also make new people interested in audio and music who are now not interested in the trail&error systems. Due to the lack of emotion. When we demo a Tru-Fi system to children it is impressive what it does with their reaction and emotion. At the end emotion is what each human needs and wants.
When we let new clients hear a Tru-Fi system we never heard that they prefer their own trial&error system. Most people told that they had no idea how many aspects sound is founded on. They did choose pure by gambling. Most even cannot describe what their personal preference is. This proves how thin the line is where you are walking on when you do audio by trial&error.
This is why you need to learn audio lovers what sound is and how music sounds in real. This will make them understand audio a lot better. So they can understand it and use it for their own system. People have their own personal taste in music, But sound and music still sounds as it sounds in real. Like our emotion works rather the same way. You need audio products who come a lot closer to the way how instruments and voices sound in reality.
This is why the audio market needs a new mindset to create products which come closer to the truth. This is what people need and should be given. It will also make new people interested in audio and music who are now not interested in the trail&error systems. Due to the lack of emotion. When we demo a Tru-Fi system to children it is impressive what it does with their reaction and emotion. At the end emotion is what each human needs and wants.