Melody Gardot, Live in Europe

Because I bought and enjoyed Diana Krall, Live in Paris, thanks to those who shared about it, I took a chance and bought Melody Gardot, Live in Europe. It is a 2-cd set.  Similar music.  Many songs sound just as good on my system as  DK’s cd.  Ms. Gardot has a lovelier voice, in my opinion.  So far, I am through the fist cd.  Very original in places. Slow and sultry in most. But, “The Rain” will give your speakers an 11 minute sonic workout. I highly recommend it.
Over the Rainbow from 'My One and Only Thrill' and Mira from 'The Absence' are a couple of my favorites.
Melodie Gardot and Dianna Krell are just great singers. If you like these two voices and you also like daring exploring jazz instrumentals tossed in for good measure: try Patricia Barber. Barber has the “voice”and the is “different”, too. Not a better than Gardot or Krell suggestion - Barber is another wonderful female jazz vocalist PLUS a kick ass piano woman! Female jazz vocalists - just the most wonderful music to my ears. Happy ears!
You know you really shouldn't restrict yourselves to the old audio fool chestnuts like Krall, Gardot, Peyroux and Barber -- there's a whole wide world out there!

Try (going off memory without my collection in front of me)
And there are hundreds more ... anyone of which can provide loads of great test tracks if that's your bag :-)
Oh goody. More new voices to check out. Thanks, folkfreak!  A system isn’t much without great music.  I will also check out Madeleine Peyroux and Patricia Barber.  I love sultry female vocalists.

While I am at it, I would recommend an all-Spanish CD called La Llorona by Lhasa. An incredible voice.  European Spanish and that of some South American countries is so liquid and sexy. It can make French sound vulgar in comparison.