Yes it works, but the life of the CDP will be shortened.
The voltage regulators in the DC power supply are working their butts off trying to maintain a constant designed rated voltage.
Good Lord. This is so far beyond wrong its backwards!
The challenge in building a really good regulated power supply is in maintaining constant voltage in the face of wildly varying swings in demand. Not supply. Demand.
The challenge with regards to incoming voltage isn't the voltage per se, but the noise riding on the AC line. Whatever the incoming voltage, hardly matters, because it is gonna be stored in caps anyway. The idea is the caps, in storing the power also filter the noise. Which they do, just never as good as we'd like, which is why power supply mods and things like dedicated lines, power cords and conditioners matter so much.
But remember I said it was not just wrong but backwards? I'm gonna use the usual water metaphors here. Voltage is pressure. The caps are dams storing up the water. We want the dam full at all times, to help keep constant water pressure coming out the other end of the hose. The higher the pressure (voltage) coming in, the faster the dam fills, the easier that is. Not harder. Easier.