Sherbourn 7/200a experience wanted

I am putting a HT together for a friend using a Krell HTS 7.1 and need a singlle 7ch solution.I personally also have a HTS 7.1 and have used a Sim Audio Titan(love it) but a budget factors in here.I can get a new Sherbourn for around $2200CAN and I am trying to seek some answers on these amps.Alot of info is 8-10yrs old.I was wondering:
-how is there sound(comparison)?
-problems that occured and warranty,how fast,issues,etc.?
-does the amp hum alot(transformer)?
thanks john
You will like it very much I'm sure; Markeetaux's comments are typical of other 7/200a and 7/2100 owners I've run across. Markeetaux's comments reminded me of something I forgot to mention above namely that before I picked up the Sherbourn PT-7010 pre/proc, I was using an Arcam AVR300 receiver as a surround processor as its decoding, and other features were first rate. The AVR300 made a very well-paired front-end to the 7/2100 amp...Sherbourn packs alot of value into that footprint. Be careful when you lift the amp out of the box and put it on your rack; it's quite heavy!
Mclsound, you better find someone that owes you a favor.
This amp is 115 lbs. This was like lifting my wife up 5' on
to a shelf that was the same size as the amp. My buddy is
definately holding on to this favor card until he really needs me.
Thanks guys
But no problem,I have moved a Sim Audio 7ch Titan(125lbs),a Classe CA-400(125lbs) and the toughest of them all,because there is no place to grab it but under the "SHARP" fins..A Mark Levinson ML-333(140lbs of dead weight)
Well,for the first time ever ,I have listened to a Sherbourn and for the money..."NOTHING WRONG HERE"
It is not a Classe ca400 but for HT and lower listening levels,It sounds great.