Does anyone use wood for vibration control?

What kind of wood have you found to be best?
I don’t think you looked at physics books. I think you’re trying to define things to suit your purposes. 

Hi Geoff and my Tunable Rooms and systems don’t really exist? Nor do others who have these rooms around the world? This is interesting. So when you are shown you'll then share in these ideas?

Hi Geoff i just had a great listening and tuning session just now while commenting what i expreicned to Michael on what i did. 
Just to share what I did just now, I tuned the side walls and my floor by applying few pieces of wood beside the speaker stand and that brought out amazing image and better layering of my stage. I tensioned one of the bolts of my  front wall and that brought out the stage more forward towards my listening spot. 

Now since you are a man of science and seems to be an amazing physicist would you care to comment on what is happening to my setup and tuning ? 
Perhaps if Victor Von Frankenstein had better tuned his monster's neck bolts, the creature wouldn't have sent out such bad vibes.

Hi Tj, great to see you!

Tj said

"Now since you are a man of science and seems to be an amazing physicist would you care to comment on what is happening to my setup and tuning ?"

In all fairness to Geoff that would be a stretch I would think. When Tj and I do listening sessions we both have In-Room audio systems to do this with. Our rooms and systems are giant musical instruments that we sit inside and make whatever adjustments we wish. Not just acoustical, but speakers, electronics and the whole thing. As Geoff shares he no longer has a stereo to do any testing with as far as an in-room system goes. I don’t think Geoff has done any in-room testing for over some 15 or more years I believe. If I’m correct Geoff uses a Sony Walkman Cassette Playing with ear buds.

I’m not saying this as a joke, but just that a portable cassette player to use as a referencing tool with a Tunable Room on the other end might be a little of a mismatch, especially in the feeling department but hey lets give it a try if you guys want.

I'm certainly into referencing from my end.