Sherbourn 7/200a experience wanted

I am putting a HT together for a friend using a Krell HTS 7.1 and need a singlle 7ch solution.I personally also have a HTS 7.1 and have used a Sim Audio Titan(love it) but a budget factors in here.I can get a new Sherbourn for around $2200CAN and I am trying to seek some answers on these amps.Alot of info is 8-10yrs old.I was wondering:
-how is there sound(comparison)?
-problems that occured and warranty,how fast,issues,etc.?
-does the amp hum alot(transformer)?
thanks john
Well,for the first time ever ,I have listened to a Sherbourn and for the money..."NOTHING WRONG HERE"
It is not a Classe ca400 but for HT and lower listening levels,It sounds great.
Glad to hear you liked it...the Sherbourn amplifier is a one hell of a lot of amp for the money and sound very good... buddy is going to get one,he is a half volume guy so it is perfect for him.