Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?

Gusser, I'm looking forward to hearing about your results. Taking all things into consideration, 7.5 is the best speed.

I've been going back and forth between TT and reel today, and discovered something no one else has mentioned. This is specifically in reference to 2 track, not 1/4 track; that's because the head is wider.

When comparing tape sources: cassette deck, 1/4 track, and 1/2 track; note the different size tape heads. These heads have different qualities that I call "forcefulness" for lack of any other term. Why this "fact" has not been noted and given a name is beyond me, but I will describe it's effects on audio. The largest, the 2 track heads create a "forcefulness" in the audio that might be akin to a more powerful amp, because it makes the speakers appear to be larger.

This more forceful sound also corrects "room anomalies". As I was going back and forth between the reel and the turntable, I had to change the preamp for the turntable. Inna and I have the same problem; one channel sounds louder than the other "from the listening chair". No; one channel is not louder than the other, it just sounds that way because of the room. If you have twin volume controls, one has to be turned up in order to compensate for this.

The "forcefulness" of the 2 track reel audio, overcame this "anomaly". When I went back to the turntable, I had to turn the left channel up in order to center the sound stage.

The quality I speak of, would be even more pronounced in a reel that used 1 inch or 1/2 inch tape. Is there anyone qualified to speak on this issue?
The quality I speak of, would be even more pronounced in a reel that used 1 inch or 1/2 inch tape. Is there anyone qualified to speak on this issue?
2-track 1/2" tape at 15 inches is amazing. But be forewarned- you won't want to listen to 1/4" tape after that...
1/2" 2-channel is a common mastering format. 
That's the problem, when you hear something which is much better it is hard to go back to your usual sound.
It is the biggest reason why I listen to computer with headphones only. Computer cannot compete with my all analog main system. Well, if you get $15k streamer and $20k dac it might approach but still analog is analog.