"consider the case of a car going down the highway with two (2) sets of shock absorbers for each wheel, one on top of the other."
Not the best comparison, although understandable one. Shock absorbers are not exactly springs anymore and much more physics goes into their construction these days. Including electrical charge at times.
If they were just springs, two would make it an unpleasant, probably nauseating, ride. If there was only one, it may be better, but if you shorten and shorten that one, it may end up being bumpier again. It is about just the right amount.
So the comparison may be a good one, after all. Some vibrations may enhance final sound although too many may deteriorate it.
If I understand michaelgreen’s approach, it is about "controlled application" of vibrations or some similar description of it. It does not come across as "give me all the vibrations you can and it will be great". Maybe I am wrong.