Looking for an integrated tube amp under $2500

I’m in the market for either a used or new tube integrated amp to drive my Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers which have an AMT tweeter. These speakers have a sensitivity of 88db and minimum impedance of 6.4 ohms. The amp should sound warm and smooth without any treble glare. The amp must be also reliable since my previous amp visited the repair shop 3 times in 4 years. I do prefer it come in black and must be 7" or less. I appreciate any recommendations.
I assume your 7" spec relates to height (as already pointed out). I also assume this height limitation is for limited clearance into a shelf system. If my assumptions are correct you will have a hard time, not because you might not find an amp less than 7" tall, just that even if you do, and it fits, you will not have sufficient clearance to dissipate the heat from the tubes. In an open rack you probably should allow  6" or more clearance from the tubes. FWIW.
as noted above re tube heat..

the VTL integrated can be had used every now and then for $2,500, otherwise Rogue is a great choice also

The distance between shelves is around 8-1/2 inches plus it’s open on all sides. My previous amp was around 7” so that’s why I stated no more than 7”.


My previous amp was a PL DP


Here's the scoop, I own a hybrid, the BAT 3000SE. I bought it used after selling the PL and wanted to try out a hybrid. It's a great sounding amp, very detailed and dynamic but I still prefer the lushness and sound stage of an all tube amp. Even with tubes in the preamp stage it's still a SS amp. 
Look at the Raven Nighthawk MK3, it's only 6.5" tall and right now is on sale Axpona show pricing. $ 3,000.00I listened to the Raven amps at Axpona last week and they sounded great and are made in the US in Texas.