Reel to reel

I’m entertaining the idea of purchasing a reel to reel to record my albums on and also use to possibly soften the digital age a bit. Does anyone know where or if NEW blank tapes can be purchased? Are there any thoughts on a resurgence of R2R and if blank media will become more easily accessible?

We have been discussing an aspect of R2R that only those who have had considerable experience are aware of, and that is the tape width and head size in relation to the audio.

The effect of this is incredible; when you tell someone that it makes your speakers sound larger and more forceful, they respond with disbelief.

How do you quantify this phenomenon? There is frequency response, wow and flutter, distortion and noise; but where is this tape width thing quantified?

Without a doubt, this takes you beyond the most expensive cartridge, TT, tone arm, phono pre combination. While you need all of that to record to the reel; after it's recorded, the reel takes you a step further. This is a good place to be.
Actually Orpheus, you really do NOT need to have considerable experience to be aware of that at all.

As long as you have knowledge of the some of the workings of analog tape recording and mastering this is something you will be well aware of.

Not the same as having to had experienced it yourself for sure.

As to the WHY, that I really have no idea of and that I believe is the crux of your questioning yes.
Half track
that is why ( duh ) The Tape Project guys ( who also are bottlehead work w artists like Linda Ronatadt to release tape in that format.....
at 15 ips

BTW Jacintha at 15 ips is good, almost as good as 45 rpm.....but for less money because a well tuned B77 Mk3 ihalf track is a formidable beast

BTW if hitting your own tape, buy the calibration tape and learn how to adjust your machine...and she will drift.....

have fun
enjoy the music....or the gain....
or the music