Looking for phono preamp recommendations

Really need some feedback on phono preamps. I have a clearaudio innovation with Koetsu Black cart. This goes currently goes into a Manley Chinook. Other gear is Pass Labs preamp/amp, Wilson Yvette’s.

I don't feel the Manley is delivering the full soundstage for me. I looked and demo’d The ARC Ref 3, lots of $’s and thinking I can do better at a lower cost than the ARC Ref 3.

Looking forward to recommendations. .  
Since you already have Pass Labs amp and preamp, why not consider the Pass XP17 phono stage?  I just replaced a Doshi tube preamp and phono with the XP17 phono and XP22 line stage.  It's the first time I've not had tubes in my system in many years and am very pleased with the results.  

Call Kent at Pass and/or Mark at Reno HiFi.  Sometimes Mark has some great deals on demo gear.  Good luck!
I using the the Ayre P5-xe phono with Pass XP10 and Pass 250.8 with great results. The Ayre has both XLR and rca ins and outs.
You can find good prices on used units.
Thanks for all feedback. Really want to stick with a phono preamp but not at the >10k price point. Not sure of the return sonically.