People That Have Upgraded From Harbeth 30.1s....

.... what speaker did you buy? 
So why not SCM20 passive? They are great with powerful SS, ex. Mcintosh. Their whole Classic series is great.
I think the SCM19 v2 are the home version of that speaker but with a better tweeter. I'm looking for a pair to audition. 
Update: I just spent a week with ATC SCM19 v2s in the house and I can say that for me, they aren't even close to the 30.1s. Very sterile, way more "pro" sounding than I expected. Really no sense of musicians playing in a room with fingers on instruments.

So I'm pretty sure a lateral type move to a more dynamic speaker isn't going to work after trying the ATCs and the SF. Hard to replace the things I can't do without that the 30.1s give in spades.
@dhcod , yes that terrible anticlimactic comedown feeling...

On the other hand you might find consolation that your Harbeth's are pretty high up the sonic tree. They have to be if you prefer them to the ATC SCM19s. With any loudspeaker anywhere, its a question of give and take something.

Even the giant Avantgarde Trios at £62k will concede something to the Harbeth's despite their huge dynamics and attack.