Who uses power conditioning?

I’m curious how many folks use some sort of power conditioning, or are you drawing the power from the wall “as is”? 
Inakustik AC-3500P power filter. Best power filter/conditioner I’ve owned. 
May I recommend a look at the ADD-Powr Sorcer EMF conditioners.
There is nothing out there like it, I swear.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only changed in form,  but it can be given a kick or a boost!
We have disrupted the old standard. Ha!
So now in 2019 there is a new approach AND a New Reference!


I have used a Tice power-block { larger old unit but works perfect } to feed my tube mono blocks, preamp, etc.   for many years.  Being an electrical engineer I can tell you that there is measurable noise on just about any AC line. 

If you want to save the money, you can go with a surge-suppressor AC outlet { amazon } or at least a decent power strip with one in it.

My system just didn’t sound right. My thiel 2.4’s didn’t go deep enough. The highs were “ hot”. I had a nice soundstage but no depth. I was plugged into the wall and a power strip.
i found a Richard gray rgpc 400 pro on agon.
Wow! Bass is now what i expected, deeper tighter than before ( I did put in a bass traps too). Hotness - gone. Soundstage now has a depth and the timbre of instruments is realistic. I think this may be the single best improvement i’ve made; certainly the mouse cost effective.

importantly I have a quality surge protection also . Those cheap strips cannot be trusted. Why trust many thousands of dollars to a single event cheap device. Makes no sense especially since a conditioner will improve your sound also. If I did it again, would buy the best you can afford. I’m saving for one of the PSAudio power conditioners.