Manufacturers pushing their products and agenda in the forums.

In the deep, dark, past manufacturers participated in the Audiogon forums with a general sense of decorum and a sensitivity to other products that they did not manufacture themselves and which were, from a design standpoint, philosophically opposed to their views. 

What has happened? Manufacturers now post into the forums dogmatically espousing their myopic view of the hobby, shamelessly pimping their own products and view of the audio world and, even more disturbingly, running down opposing brands. 

IMHO, it may be time to throw the baby out with the bath water and ban manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers. If they can’t get their act together they should take it on the road.
I propose that the regular Audiogon site become a SAFE ZONE and a new area is created on the site called the audio DARK ZONE. A place where manufacturers, dealers, and anybody else can participate without worry. You enter the DARK ZONE at your peril but you can always feels safe in the regular SAFE ZONE.

I believe university’s have a similar arrangement for speech related issues.
Just read Mr. Green post above and I must agree on the quality of the low end products. I am shopping again now for a system and almost everything I hear sounds great. The low cost stuff is amazing compared to 20 years ago.
I propose that the regular Audiogon site become a SAFE ZONE and a new area is created on the site called the audio DARK ZONE. A place where manufacturers, dealers, and anybody else can participate without worry. You enter the DARK ZONE at your peril but you can always feels safe in the regular SAFE ZONE.

>>>That was tried already over on Audio Asylum when they created Isolation Ward for discussion of “controversial tweaks and controversial subjects.” It was in fact intended to be a clever way to isolate your humble scribe and Peter and May Belt and perhaps others from the General population, as it were. That was the year the Intelligent Chip dominated the discussion on Audio Asylum for around 9 straight months 24/7. If you take a look at what has happened over on Audio Asylum, no offense, there is a peculiar lack of content and longer. Next stop, the ventilator. Of course others might disagree, and good luck to you. Please, no angry emails. The same thing happened to Stereophile Forum, too, sadly, which has become a vast wasteland.

He not busy being born is busy dying.
Please, let's not denigrate a line from a Dylan tune. I'm quite sure he would want no part of these discussions. 

Just to recap, what is disturbing are the frequent threads that are slipped into the forum by people feigning enthusiasm for particular products. It's OK, once in a while, to believe that some audiophile is so excited about their recent purchase that they want to share their experience. However, lately we get a steady diet of threads on the same product (i.e. Tekton). I find the enthusiastic exclamations to be disingenuous ("I had goosebumps"). They are simply being initiated to spark interest in an obscure product. Rightly or wrongly, I firmly believe that these threads (ads) are being placed by the manufacturers, dealers or friends of the company owner. Of course they are excited by the product...they sell it!
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