Do you know what is resonance frequency and why it shouldn’t be in the musical range? If you don’t know just buy yourself a Hi-Fi TEST LP, put low compliance cartrige on lightweigh tonearm, play Test LP and you will see how your arm and cartride will start shaking, a thrilling experience. This is resonance frequency. Do you want your arm and cartridge shaking while you’re playing normal record?
This is what’s on the Test LP:
Tracks 2 & 3: Cartridge & Arm, Lateral & Vertical Resonance Test
These two tracks are used to test the resonant frequency or your tonearm and cartridge combination in both the vertical and horizontal domains. These tracks offer both a visual and auditory indication of the resonant frequency; the stylus will “wobble” and the test tone will warble.
P.S. With Denon DL-103 cartridge a high mass arm must be used (20-30g effective mass), not a lighweight arm, this is the basics.
Denon is not the best cartridge at all, but using it on lighweight arm like @uberwaltz Black Widow (3g effective mass) is just the opposite to the common sense. The Black widow designed for MM cartridge with a compliance figure at least 4 times higher than DL-103 compliance. Also the effecive mass of the Black Widon is 10 times lighter than it should be for DL-103. The music will be transferred from LP to the speakers, but it’s a total mismatch in terms of tonearm/cartridge resonance frequency. I would never do that!