Solid State Preamp Under $8000

I generally buy a piece of equipment that has been out for about four years and keep it for about 5 to 6 years. In this manner I get the fun of buying a new (used) piece of equipment every year and not paying retail prices. 

I have had my Esoteric C-03 preamp for 5 years and am considering replacing it with a newer model.  I have liked this unit a lot.  It sounds great and is a joy to use.  Why replace it then?

Well if there is something out there used for $8000 or less used that will give even greater transparency than the C-03, I would be a buyer. In general, the voicing of my current set up seems spot on. 

 I would prefer a single box unit if at all possible because of limitations on rack space and interconnect length. I do not want to risk a lateral move at this level of investment.  

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Current System: 
Feickert Firebird/ Reed 3P/ Ortofon Anna
Audio Research Reference Phono 2 SE
Esoteric C-03
Krell Evolution 302e
TAD Evolution Ones
Esoteric X-03se

You could be right on the Pass preamp voicing.  Every single time I have seen or heard a Pass Labs preamp, it's been attached to a Pass Labs amp, so I have not been able to get a good handle on the actual voicing.
Was thinking you might benefit from being able to use Krell's current mode and cast system if you get a Krell preamp.  Since you're looking for a single box, here's an Evolution 222 available now...  but there are some Evo 202s available too.  Then again, there's also this special situation on an $18k Krell Illusion preamp...

Also, here's a nice Vitus pre that retailed for over $14k in your price range.

Best of luck!
Krell 302e input impedance is tube preamp friendly, why not open to tube preamps?
Thanks for the truly helpful and interesting responses:  Here are mine.

Joecasey:  In my experience starting about ten years ago, I have preferred to have one solid state preamp or phono preamp and one tube preamp or phono preamp, but not two of one kind.  To my ears, it provides the best balance of sound without leaning one way or another.  Since my phono pre is the Audio Research, I thought replacing my solid state preamp was the right way to go.  On the other hand, because the sound of tube and solid state equipment has become more alike, my view could be outdated.

Soix:  Thought about the advantages of CAST, but I connect my preamp to the power amp with a 16 foot interconnect. Not sure what a CAST that long will cost, but I suspect plenty. Will ping Krell today.

RSF507:  I have read the reviews of the Merrill Christine.  It sounds very close to what I want.  Plus the unit for sale is not that far from where I live.  Seriously considering it and the XP-22 both of which can be had for under mid $6000's..   

MR Decibel:  I have no experience or knowledge about passive units.  I have enough to consider already and thanks for your response.
Update:  Soix:  I called Krell and I can get a 16 foot CAST IC for 1950, which opens up that avenue.There is an EVO 202 preamp up for sale--any thoughts?

Karl:  I am bringing home an XP-22 next week for audition.

 RSF507: I remain interested in the Merrill.  Thanks again.