Forever turntable under $2000

In search of: forever turntable.

I'm currently looking to upgrade from my existing Pro-Ject RPM 1.3 to a table that I will (hopefully) never grow out of. I'm looking for something that is *technically* competent, something where I know the engineering is extremely solid and "timeless," and provides a good analog platform to swap carts with. My budget for this is $1600 with cart (but up to $2000 if there's a good case for it). The rest of my system is as follows:

* LSA 2.1 Statement speakers

* Schiit Gumby DAC

* Schiit Freya preamp

* Adcom GFA555 power amp

* Schiit Mani phono stage

So far, I have looked into the Rega P6 (or a used RP6), a Clearaudio Concept, a variety of Pro-Ject offerings, and a Michell Technodec... but at this level there are so many choices, its hard to know where to start. Any ideas? Thanks!
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I have an LP12 and a Technics 1200 (among about a dozen more TT's in my collection). I prefer the Linn, but that's just my personal prejudice! Either table is capable of musically satisfying playback! So I say get a 1200 - the best "right out of the box" choice today! No tweaking required! And fifty years from now it will still be working fine!
The all-new SL-1200 series share none of the motor / platter / spindle / bearing design that has stood up to the abusive hands of rap-“DJs” for years. There is no history of performance, (good or bad), so don’t expect these mostly new designs to carry on exactly as the original SL-1200mk2/m3d/mk5/etc have. That would be like trying to compare a 1970 Dodge Challenger to a 2019 Dodge Challenger. They share the same name, similar appearance and purpose, but are essentially very, very different machines. 
It also needs to be said that vintage turntables are a potential solution for the OP. There were many fine examples built in the golden age of turntables, and very few that offer the choices and functionality that vintage turntables did in those days. 

I have heard some very positive comments about Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab turntables: They offer a budget friendly Studio Deck for $1,350 USD and a slightly more refined model known as Ultra Deck for $2,300. The spec sheets are very close and I don't believe the extra $1,050 is justified, but evaluate them as close as you wish. The S/N is 2dB better on the Ultra Deck; both have W/F range of .017%-.025%, and weigh in at 19 to 23 pounds. I believe that there are several cartridge options if you are looking for the total package delivered to your door. You can order one from Crutchfield or MusicDirect with a return guaranty. Best of luck with your search and evaluation.