Geoff: Modern switch-mode power supplies are often auto-ranging as far as input voltage is concerned. You would need to check the labels to be certain.
As Al wisely pointed out, the power supply in the CD player is likely a linear power supply, and designed to operate within specific tolerances for the target market. Most audio gear is made with different transformers for different markets. Depending on regulatory requirements in electrical codes, they may have specific requirements for switching the hot -and- neutral wires, fusing and depending on mains voltage and sometimes frequency differences in some parts of the world, the primary windings and magnetic circuit in the core of the power transformer will be rated for different voltages and frequencies. Over-powering a linear power supply causes rectifiers, ballast resistors and regulation circuit power transistors to run hotter than they were intended to. This heat leads to premature failure and possible catastrophic failure or 🔥 fire 🔥 hazards. Then, there is also the issue of filtering capacitors running over voltage tolerance, and over-heating and bursting or catching fire. This is because in analog electronics, some power supplies are crudely regulated, counting on line voltage to stay relatively close to design and working the filter capacitors very hard without voltage regulation. These cautions explain the real value of power conditioners that mitigate input voltage variance to our expensive gear.
As Al wisely pointed out, the power supply in the CD player is likely a linear power supply, and designed to operate within specific tolerances for the target market. Most audio gear is made with different transformers for different markets. Depending on regulatory requirements in electrical codes, they may have specific requirements for switching the hot -and- neutral wires, fusing and depending on mains voltage and sometimes frequency differences in some parts of the world, the primary windings and magnetic circuit in the core of the power transformer will be rated for different voltages and frequencies. Over-powering a linear power supply causes rectifiers, ballast resistors and regulation circuit power transistors to run hotter than they were intended to. This heat leads to premature failure and possible catastrophic failure or 🔥 fire 🔥 hazards. Then, there is also the issue of filtering capacitors running over voltage tolerance, and over-heating and bursting or catching fire. This is because in analog electronics, some power supplies are crudely regulated, counting on line voltage to stay relatively close to design and working the filter capacitors very hard without voltage regulation. These cautions explain the real value of power conditioners that mitigate input voltage variance to our expensive gear.