Under speakers Vibrapod or Gaïa

Does anyone compare Gaïa and Vibrapod under speaker ?  With Vibrapod,  for the $, I have great result under my speakers, but, does it worth the extra $$$ interchanging with Gaïa ?
Do people still use Vibrapods? Not very effective. And as noted, they don't even last. Many excellent options today, including everything mentioned here besides Vibrapods. 
Not a big fan of any rubber isolator 😛 No offense but all those air bladders, air springs, inner tubes, they come with built in problems, particularly their bad geometry, too much internal damping/friction, their tendency to leak, preventing ideal performance or reducing optimum performance. Total pain the 🍑. Mechanical steel springs are more reliable, more consistent in performance, and can produce much lower iso system Fr. Keep it simple stupid.
@geoffkait   My speakers have 'rubber bumpers' as stock footers for the rear side of the speakers and spikes upfront. The spikes are taller than the bumpers, for tilt and for clearance of the bottom ported transmission line. This is the stock setup.

What would you recommend? Thanks.
@audiosens Herbie's Footers are a reasonably priced solution should they be appropriate for your speakers. Star Sound Technologies is another option to consider. All the best with your decision.
@geoffkait My speakers have ’rubber bumpers’ as stock footers for the rear side of the speakers and spikes upfront. The spikes are taller than the bumpers, for tilt and for clearance of the bottom ported transmission line. This is the stock setup.

What would you recommend? Thanks. Report this>>>>Generally speaking I would try spikes all around. It depends on whether you can do without tilt. I would also try DH cones, say the medium ones to see how they sound relative to spikes. If you must have tilt you can use DH Squares on the front DH Cones, or on the front spikes if you decide to use four spikes. Another option is to replace the rubber bumpers with a Herbies footer of the same size. But in the back of your mind think about isolating the speakers with my springs. 🤗

Whatever method you try remember always use the speaker set up track on the XLO Test CD or similar disc for best results. If you don’t do that what’s the point?