This is the latest update on the Virtuoso components. I spent twenty minutes on the phone with Dave Belles back on April 11th and asked many questions for more details and release dates, especially on the Virtuoso integrated. Dave mentioned that the preamp section in the integrated is his best design ever during the past thirty years. I asked is it better than any preamp design you have designed in the past, hybrid or solid state? He said "Yes..its my greatest work to date".. and mentioned the Virtuoso amplifier which is available now to purchase, is the best amplifier he has designed to date, which applies to the Virtuoso preamplifier as well. He hopes to release the Virtuoso this coming fall which had a original release date in late 2017. The wait continues...
Are you still making this proclamation about and amp you never heard?
" I predict the Vrtuoso integrated will become the new bar standard globally and will blow out the window the SS integrated's from Gamut, Gato Audio, Cary and Levinson. "
facten973...How silly! David Belles has one of  strongest word of mouth reputations globally and does not need to advertise in the magazines to stay afloat. His design work at Magnum Dynalab and OCM Labs in the past speaks for itself. I've listened to his earlier pieces which I would compare to the early designs from Spectral and Krell. His reputation is so strong that buying his gear without listening is of no risk to Audiophiles and Musicphiles that desire the best musical sound quality above all else.
Reagrdless of what his reputation may be, what's "silly" is your prior proclamation without hearing the amp

So there.

I do like Dave's designs enough to have 3 of them kicking round the house. Not in use right now, but no urge to sell them....