What is proper ratio of money spent on amp/preamp/integrated vs speakers? 1:1?

Lately I'm finding more of a difference in SQ as a move up the chain in the amp/preamp/integrated market and not so much if I try to upgrade speakers.  Plus, buying and selling (and shipping) speakers is a PITA.  But having just upgraded from Devialet D200 to the dual mono D400 and loving it, it feels odd having $8000 (I'm in the used market almost exclusively) worth of power running $4000 worth of speakers, Dynaudio Contour 30's. 

I'm now wanting to upgrade again to the Expert Pro 440, but then we're taking about $10,000 and even more of a skewed ratio.
What is the proper ratio?  Thoughts?
I look for hand me downs, and feel blessed when I run across a bargain.
Speakers are just important as the amp, matching them up is key.

I've never felt that $$$=sound. It's a very strange concept to me in regards to parts of the audio chain.

Michael Green

There is no ratio of $$ per component. It is all about component/speaker synergy. My amp/pre amp cost nearly twice as much as my speakers, but it works tremendously well.
Your question in its most basic form comes down to:
Should I spend less or more on something simply because I spent more or less on something else?

If that sounds silly, its because it is.

Buy [fill in type of component here] you love and can afford. Period.
Thanks all for the responses!  

Millercarbon - I get your point and perhaps using $$$ as the base of my question was the wrong approach.  

But I think we can all agree it would be silly to have Magicos driven by a generic Best Buy receiver or conversely Pass XS separates driving satellite speakers made of particle board. 

My query was trying to find that balance of when to upgrade what as my personal opinion is the power is making a bigger difference to my ears right now. 

Thanks again for the thoughts.