Hi Audiotroy
Thanks for the invite. As soon as I can make arrangements I'll bring in a few of the products you carry (have already done this with one) and give my review of them vs the products I have recently been using and publish the results.
What is proper ratio of money spent on amp/preamp/integrated vs speakers? 1:1?
All of our rooms are dedicated listening rooms, we also have a dedicated Home Theater room. Our main Showroom 1: features Echo Buster Panels, Shaki Hollographs, Acoustic System Resonators, Stein Harmonizers. https://www.facebook.com/audiodoctor1/photos/rpp.122499304489958/2414413985298467/?type=3&theater Showroom 2, uses Tube traps, and Acoustic Sytem Resontors, Stein Harmonizers. None pictured behind Legacy Speakers https://www.facebook.com/audiodoctor1/photos/rpp.122499304489958/1774497322623473/?type=3&theater Showroom 3 is a starter audio room no treatements. https://www.facebook.com/audiodoctor1/photos/rpp.122499304489958/1781646778575194/?type=3&theater Showroom 4 is a dedicated Home Theater room with two live walls and two dead walls, custom absorptive and diffusive panels, walls are reinforced laminates of plywood, with mass loaded vinyl, green glue and sheetrock, custom ceiling treatments, custom floor riser with tactical transducers. https://www.facebook.com/audiodoctor1/photos/a.813391035400778/1774439705962568/?type=1&theater Does that suffice for you, most of the high end dealers don’t have any treatments and most rooms are just sheetrock boxes. Dave and Troy Audio Doctor NJ |