Yes Michael most stores are not 100% compromise free.
We don’t have the luxury of having a room with just one pair of speakers.
We can assure you our rooms sound very good.
We use a balance of natural acoustics and devices designed to break up standing waves as well as using passive room tuning devices such as resonators, Tube traps, custom acoustic panels, Shakti Holographs and Stein Harmonizers which we are sure you don’t endorse, however, many people do.
Funny we didn’t see anyone at AXPONA using Michael Green audio products wonder why?
Doubly so in terms of your clamping racks want to tell Critical Mass what they are doing wrong?
It seems that their products were all over AXPONA and again nobody was using yours.
Used to use your products at SBS they were mildly effective, seems the industry has moved beyond you perhaps?
Michael proof is in the putting, if you were such a genius at what you do your products would be everywhere.
We can end this conversation now, the market speaks loudly.