Merlin vsm mme owners, Cardas cabling Question.

HI, just purchased an used pair of merlin vsm mme,replaced my Von swheikert VR3, my Question is, why cardas cables are so critical for this speakers, had cardas cables before, speakers and interconnect, and heated the sound of those cables, very muddy and slow, bass all over the place,coulnt'pull them out fas enough,
my preamp is joulet electra 150mk11, and I'm really scare to spend $3000,or more on used cardas GR,cables,now I'm using KCI silk worm with analysis solo cristal I/C, sounds good, but a little thin, great midrange, but not full body sound, that I'm acustom to, what will cardas bring to the table , in this situation.

your coments wil be apreciated;


Unfortunately, he made his best speakers in the early 1990s.>>>

I'm afraid you do have an axe to grind with the above statement. I've had the chance to listen to an "old" set of Merlin TSM speakers vs. the quite recent MMe version. Right away the MMe was a better speaker, more coherent and flatter sounding. Both sets were powered by Rogue gear.

Are you even aware that he's changed the tweeters and altered cabinet construction?

But it is your comment about spectral balance deficiencies that rings truly false. EVERY speaker suffers from these and everyone tunes their system to THEIR taste. As I said, the Totems are COLORED far beyond the Merlins. It is the Merlins quest for tonal accuracy, transparency and resolution that drive owners to further tweak their systems. I understood this very well when I recently compared a pair of Focal Diablos to the Merlins. The Merlins were more balanced by a clear margin, though the Focals "impressed" more initially with their presentation. It was the Merlins that sounded more like real instruments in the room.

Finally you speak of value. High end audio has very little to do with value. It's a pursuit of arguably ever diminishing returns relative to cost. Since the majority of reviewers and owners don't seem to agree with you, perhaps you should let it go. The comment about his speakers being at their best may only be your opinion, but it's patently absurd. Your only defense of your position is that everyone is caught up in some sort of audiophilic religious fever over the Merlins. Yet virtually every review is in awe of these designs used with a wide variety of gear. My friend recently auditioned Merlin VSM's in LI and said they were in the top 10 speakers he's heard at any price.

You should consider letting this go. Bobby makes a high end niche product that is highly respected. Who exactly are you? Just one guy with an opinion and that's all. I know people who prefer Canton to Snell. And they're entitled to say that. But when you say that Bobby built his best speakers 15 years ago it begins to sound like you have an issue with HIM and not the product.

As for the alleged night-and-day sonic differences he's achieved by taking the lead out and through other tweaks, please provide me with even one example of another speaker that uses the same drivers>>>

Frankly, I'm SHOCKED that you asked this. My previous speakers, Magnepan 1.6's were altered quite completely by changes in the fuses!
Improving the bracing in Spica TC60's made the speaker utterly world class...same drivers.
Heck, even my old Heybrook's sang better with the wiring changed. Same drivers and cabinet.

There is a big industry built around this. Fine speakers respond better to small changes because they are more revealing. On the other hand I don't worry that much about cables and associated gear for my Definitive Technology home theater system.

When I get the Merlin TSM-MXrs I will have the chance to put a older pair on the same stands with the same amp and CD player. The new version has a lot of changes. Do actually think they'll sound the same? Ridiculous.

I will post a full and detailed review with photos when they arrive.

Bobby do you have any customers running your speakers with audio valve challanger monoblocks;if so do you know their cable of choice?I may be moving in that direction for a second system.
Any Merlin VSM MXe owner experienced Ridge Street Audio Poiema interconnects (Audio Aero/SuperBAM/ARS)?
I am also looking for (less costlier) alternatives to Cardas GR interconnects.
rleff, this amp looks very interesting to me. i love el34s and class "a" ops, even more so. unless the damping is too high or there is a lot of feedback it should be a fantastic piece. it should be very natural sounding with good bass punch and control, imho.
logically it will have a slightly low output impedance (because of the 3 pairs of 34's) which causes a slightly high damping potential. but the proof in in the listening. all in all i like what i see.
i have heard of none of my customers with it so i do not have an idea of what people are using for cables.
best, b