Merlin vsm mme owners, Cardas cabling Question.

HI, just purchased an used pair of merlin vsm mme,replaced my Von swheikert VR3, my Question is, why cardas cables are so critical for this speakers, had cardas cables before, speakers and interconnect, and heated the sound of those cables, very muddy and slow, bass all over the place,coulnt'pull them out fas enough,
my preamp is joulet electra 150mk11, and I'm really scare to spend $3000,or more on used cardas GR,cables,now I'm using KCI silk worm with analysis solo cristal I/C, sounds good, but a little thin, great midrange, but not full body sound, that I'm acustom to, what will cardas bring to the table , in this situation.

your coments wil be apreciated;


rleff, newer merlins sound a lot more robust in my opinon. the mmi and mx-r sound great with ss or tubes. but the vsm mx-r with a master bam and master rcs will be a fantastic match with your cables. not to worry.
the transparent sounds a hair damped and a hair forward because it sits on the fence so you can use it easily with damped or lesser damped speakers systems. with the master bam and master rc's more robust sound, it is a great fit.
best, b
Robbob: I wasn't referring to the TSM. I believe they were called Excalibur -- or something like that. They were tower-type speakers and looked something like Mirage or big Vandersteens.

It's your opinion that the Totems -- you don't even say which ones -- are more colored than the Merlin. Are all of the Totems more colored? And what measurements have you performed? I notice in previous posts that you're predominantly a home theater kind of guy. That's nice.

Also, I'm certainly not saying cables don't make a difference. That's exactly opposite of what I'm saying, and that's why Bobby recommends Cardas probably 90 percent of the time. Plus I'm saying that removing lead and tightening the screws that hold tweeters in place a quarter turn do not result in sonic differences. But, hey, if I spent tens of thousands on speakers and associated gear I'd want to believe all of this and more, too. Happy listening.
robbob, isn't it great being talked down to by a guy who hasn't got a clue because he hasn't listened to anything current. who thinks measurments say everything and has many important facts, wrong? he resurfaces with the same nonsense every so often and i have tried many times to explain things to him which is very tiresome, wastes time and energy. so...i have stopped.
as i said, ignore him. he is prolonging this.
best, b
I notice in previous posts that you're predominantly a home theater kind of guy. That's nice.>>>

Yup. I surely is! Hee Haw! Let's all watch Top Gun and Showgirlz!

Good grief, dude. I've got a dedicated theater with a 10 foot wide screen. But that doesn't have anything to do with the refined speakers I've used...from Canton and Fried TL to Royd, Heybrook and B&W. I'm new to tubes, but I've heard and owned a lot of gear.

If you don't know that Totems and MOST speakers are colored, then I suggest you attend some live concerts and recordings. Then try actually recording a live piano or cello and play it back on Totems, Revel, Focal, ML, and a lot of other speakers out there. They're all colored to varying extents.

The Merlin and a few others are among the most neutral speakers I've heard. You're free to disagree, but maybe it's in bad taste to bad mouth Bobby's efforts, especially since no one is really agreeing with you. Since you are not in agreement with most experts and experienced audiophiles, why push the envelope?

I don't care for Bryston amps, but I don't run around bashing them because I KNOW plenty of people enjoy their products. In audio, dead weight finds it's own level. If a product is smoke and mirrors people usually figure it out. With loudspeakers you can't fool anyone. And few speakers on the planet have the universal acclaim as do the Merlins. That's amazing since he is up against companies like B&W who have advertising budgets just as big as their R&D budgets. And yet the little TSM's are superior to every B&W monitor I've heard.

You simply sound frustrated with Merlin or Bobby or the world. Still worse, you don't own the product, which everyone agrees has seen many changes.
This is my last response to you on this matter.

