Which transport with my Jay's Audio DAC?

Advice needed.
I currently have a Nuprime CDT 8 feeding a Jay's Audio DAC. The CDT 8 oversamples the  PCM signal incoming to the DAC, and does DSD.
I have followed the discussions of the Jay's Audio CDT2- Mk2 with interest, since it looks to be a transport superior to the Nuprime. However, it does not provide PCM oversampling or DSD; and I think that the Jay's DAC cannot oversample a signal on its own. [Can any DAC?]
The question, then, is which combination is likely to be the better: 1. The Nuprime transport and the Jay's Audio DAC or 2. The Jay's Audio transport and the Jay's Audio DAC? Does the presumed superiority of the Jay's Audio transport more than compensate for the OS-ing capacity of the Nuprime DAC? 
Or perhaps any question of preferring an OS-ing to a NOS-ing transport is simply a matter of taste, and not any sort of objective criterion for making a choice like this?
Any insights will be appreciated.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzimmerma
I think you need to get a cheap CD player 
or resign yourself from this beautiful hobby.
zimmerma - Not to convolute the discussion, here is an upsampling transport that works with the Chord Dave DAC.

Nice Strother Martin impression, lpretiring.

Despite all the well-meaning responses to my OP, I have received precious little real help in answering my basic question, formulated and re-formulated many times...about the comparative merits of 1. A putatively lesser OS-capable transport with a very good OS- and NOS-capable DAC vs 2. A putatively superior strictly NOS transport with that same very good DAC in strictly NOS mode.

Mainly, I have received rapturous effusions about the wonders of NOS, diatribes against the very idea of OS... both despite the fact that this debate is genuinely open in the audio literature.

I have tried to get information about DACs that are capable of onboard OS-ing even if they receive a NOS signal from a strictly NOS transport. No dice there either.

Perhaps I should follow shakira's [tongue in cheek?] advice and just buy a cheap CD player.

But I continue to hope.  

“Remember, zimmerma, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this post finds you, and finds you well.”