Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
sdl4:  interesting that you should ask about ICs.  I have 3.7's and an all PS system with the BHK and ted smith gear.   i am not much on shoot outs but i have a friend who has the same system and did this pretty comprehensively and ended up with the Cardas Clear Reflection.  his comment to me "I auditioned 5 or 6 cables in that $1200 to $3,000 price range for 1m interconnects and to me I really liked not only the clarity but also the tonal balance on this particular cable the best. I am running it between all my components. I don't think you could go wrong with it. You may want to look around to see if you could find a used one pair-they pop up from time to time."   i am now using them between pre and amp and between DSD and pre.   really like them
@sdl4 MIT is offering a free trial of their heritage series which has 6 variants at different price points.  I have been using a loom of EVO 2 in my system which include Thiel CS6.  


Thanks for the helpful info! The Clear Reflection is more expensive than I planned to spend, but I might have to expand my budget if these are really great cables. I only need one pair of them for now, so that helps things stay halfway affordable. Does the Clear Reflection have a definite sonic signature or display any specific characteristics that tend to stand out compared to other ICs you've heard in your system?

It's been several decades since I last listened to any MIT cables. It looks like there aren't a lot of inexpensive options, even in the Heritage series. I'm kind of wary of the little electronic boxes that adjust the electrical characteristics of the cables, but they must do something positive or MIT wouldn't use them. Do the EVO 2 interconnects have a particular sonic signature?


Good to see you again. Thank You for citing M.I.T. cabling- the brand has a large and loyal following.  Happy Listening!