Merlin vsm mme owners, Cardas cabling Question.

HI, just purchased an used pair of merlin vsm mme,replaced my Von swheikert VR3, my Question is, why cardas cables are so critical for this speakers, had cardas cables before, speakers and interconnect, and heated the sound of those cables, very muddy and slow, bass all over the place,coulnt'pull them out fas enough,
my preamp is joulet electra 150mk11, and I'm really scare to spend $3000,or more on used cardas GR,cables,now I'm using KCI silk worm with analysis solo cristal I/C, sounds good, but a little thin, great midrange, but not full body sound, that I'm acustom to, what will cardas bring to the table , in this situation.

your coments wil be apreciated;


stingreen, your thoughts prove my point.
audioquest is recommended for vandies and anti's have a similar way about them. no wonder you liked them too.
i would not recommend cardas for a vandy system no matter what electronics were being used.
always use the right tool for the right job.
Stringreen: I had a similar experience. I have great respect for George and Colleen Cardas, but after I got rid of my Merlin speakers and bought Dunlavys I had no idea how good they were until I got some different cables. Apparently the Cardas (Golden Cross) cables act as a required filter for the Merlins -- or at least the VSM SE. But experiences vary.
s, golden cross is a softer sounding cable that is recommended for ss or brighter speakers. the vsm se was designed with se triodes and in certain systems could be a little bright and lean. the golden cross had a nice synergy with the early vsm. later vsms were designed with transformer coupled valve amps, otls and ss so they sound a lot fuller, clearer, smoother and expansive. imho, they have really come into there own. now they work extremely well with golden presence, golden ref and are the best with the new cardas clear.
i used golden ref and now the clear to design all of my speakers.
nice to hear from you. :-)
best, b
Interesting, John Dunlavy would proabably have suggested that all cables basically sound the same, he proabably would have recommended large guage zipcord.
paul, i knew john and he was not a cable guy that is for sure. i said it then and i'll say it now, "each to his own". :-)
how is the master bam and the master rc's?
should be settled by now.