Ypsilon Phaeton + Marten Coltrane Tenor = which DAC?

Recently got the Greek integrated amp Ypsilon Phaeton and the Swedish Marten Coltrane Tenor speakers. Currently playing music from Bladelius Embla, I am looking for a better DAC.  Any suggestions for this setup would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
The Ypsilon DAC1000 just started shipping. Received mine a couple days ago and in the process breaking it in
Which one is it the STD version or SE and what is your opinion on it have you compared it to other DACs
Have the standard version. Took a long long time to really break in. I’m at 450 hours now. It really took approx 440hours for it to really snap in. Sounded pretty good out of the box but a little uneven in it’s presentation. Right now as I am listening it sounds glorious! Huge soundstage, air and naturalness in its  presentation and is nothing short of magic. Everything is just so real. It has the last bit that is missing from digital. I am a hardcore vinyl guy all the way and this thing really wows me.

Have a a friend who will be setting up a shootout. There will be some high end DACs there in the same ballpark. Will report back.