Infinity Owners: New EMIM Diaphragms Available

I have a set of these in my RSIIb speakers, and they are a huge improvement over the stock diaphragms in terms of clarity, detail and dynamic range; these are a complete upgrade to every aspect of the EMIM sound. Just released!

Note: I have no association to the seller of these units - I'm just a very happy customer!

More details available here:

Here is part of a review of my Infinity RSIIb speakers with these new EMIMs installed, by a gentleman who heard them at my house. I think it captures the sound of the new diaphragms quite well:

"OK, now for the main course, the upgraded EMIMs with the Graz diaphragms. Think electrostatic resolution and openness with much more dynamic headroom. These are not just a repair for blown drivers, but a major improvement to every aspect of the EMIM sound. The first thing I noticed was a dramatic increase in low level resolution. Playing the Pie Jesu cut from the Rutter Requiem CD you can really hear the female soloist floating perfectly behind the speakers. And when all the individual voices that make up the chorus come in the sense of air and hall size is amazing. These midranges take detail to a level I have never heard from any Infinity system. With choral music, the stock EMIMS can get strained and edgy sounding due to the dynamic limitations of the diaphragm. The new diaphragms seem to track the changes in signal from the quietest to the loudest passages much more accurately so there is no smearing of the image or change in tonal balance. There’s a sense that everything has been cleaned up. It will be interesting to get some measurements of the distortion products between the two diaphragms. I had Max throw on Endless Dream from the YES Talk CD. This cut goes from super quiet to live rock levels and then some and if you are at all worried about damaging your speakers, keep the volume down. Max got a bit nervous fearing for the health of the tweeters when the big peaks kicked in since there are no fuses in his speakers. These midranges had no problem handling the loudest peaks unlike my stock set which visually flex and audibly strain on this cut. I was quite impressed."

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I don't see how the patent could not have expired by now. These speakers were made in the early 80's, and US patents only have a 20 year life maximum lifespan from time of application filing.
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In any case, if the EMIMs sell well, then EMITs will follow, and after that perhaps L-EMIMs. If those sound as good as the EMIMs, those old Infinities will be giving some very expensive new speakers a run for their money!