Infinity Owners: New EMIM Diaphragms Available

I have a set of these in my RSIIb speakers, and they are a huge improvement over the stock diaphragms in terms of clarity, detail and dynamic range; these are a complete upgrade to every aspect of the EMIM sound. Just released!

Note: I have no association to the seller of these units - I'm just a very happy customer!

More details available here:

@ $220 ea, yucks !!! I have 14 to replace
Question: How do these actually mix and match with the originals? I have rs1b's and really did not want to replace
all the drivers
Read the Audiokarma thread linked directly above yours question, Hardtobme. One of the posters is adding pairs of the new EMIMs one pair at a time to his RS1b's and reporting back. You could PM him and ask his opinion directly.
Apogee Acoustics (the makers of the new EMIMs) has switched to a new website. Here is a link to the EMIM info on the new site, including volume discount info.

There are discounts for orders above 6 units at a time.
Note that Apogee also has an Classic Infinity Forum on their website now, for all you Infinity Enthusiasts! If enough folks post there maybe we can convince them to make EMITs, L-EMIMs, etc. as well as their excellent EMIM diaphragms!

Can you give me contact information to buy diaphragms for a pair of 2.5's ? Last Sunday they glowed orange(arcs) and now they are very quiet.