What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?

Assuming cost no object, equipment matching no issue, wife no opinion, what are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna own and what is (are) your current speaker(s)?

Don’t worry about being the best ... nor most expensive ... they could be something you’ve never tried yet, and you feel intensely curious about...

(if you feel you already own your dream speakers, just state so, for our education?)

My top 3 (in any order)
YG Exquisite Extreme Grand limited
Wilson Audio WAMM Master Chronosonic
YG Sonja XV

What I have now (in any order)
Kharma CRM 3.2 FE
Wilson 3/2
Western Electric 10D (odd isn’t it?)

Vandersteen 7
Harbeth Monitor 40.2 - 40th Anniversary Editions
Vandersteen Treo CT
Joey, I love your list, lol. The 7 mk2 are surreal for their price (compared to well over 6 figure speakers.  I have owned the Treo (now have Quatro).  Heard that Harbeth in FL and fell in love.  They are really nice, but for that price I'll take the Treo or Quatro as they do things the Harbeth cant, but still keeping that magic midrange in a full ranger...

So many great choices and we all are built differently, so plenty of options. Fun thread all.  Thanks.

Hey @josh358, wouldn’t it be fascinating to hear the Tympani IVa and MG30.7 side-by-side?! That would take a MIGHTY wide room ;-). As you recently (today?) said over on the Planar Speaker Asylum, the 30.7 can’t be bi-amped, so the T-IVa has that advantage. I think both share the same ribbon tweeter, but the 30.7 has the new Magnepan mid-bass driver.

If I were wealthy, I’d have ’em all: the 30.7, some Sound Labs, Roger Modjeski’s new ESL with his dedicated direct-drive tube amps, the Sanders ESL, new Quads, double (stacked side-by-side) Eminent Technology LFT-8b, and any other planar contender. And a room for each! When I with my sisters watch the HGTV shows, I’m always looking for the room in each house that can accommodate big planars. None of the home buyers mention their need for a "music room", but the guys always want a man cave for a big screen TV. Normal people (non-audiophiles) seem to have lost their interest in surround, though.

LOL, you could play them all at once and average their strengths. :-)

It's true, isn't it? Everything one the list has its strong points. (Haven't heard Roger Modjeski's new ESL, though.)

I wonder if Wendell has done just that -- listened with 30.7's on one side of the room and IVa's on the other.

One thing I'll say -- I've heard the 30.7's twice and both times were in decent but less than ideal dealer setups, but they do some things that the IVa's just can't touch. The new high performance midrange driver is killer, the only other time I've heard midrange that realistic is on ESL-57's. And according to Wendell, they added the new midbass coupler so that the bass panels wouldn't intrude on the clarity of the midrange with the single pole crossover.

My IVa's do do some things that the 30.7's didn't do but not sure how much if anything that has to do with triamping and how much has to do with their being in a small room with tweeters in and not having 20 other guys in the room with me. But I don't see why you couldn't biamp the 30.7's if you were willing to open them up and bypass the crossover. I think I'd want to wait for the warranty to expire first, though. :-)
As others have mentioned, I'd give rein to my curiosity and buy and then sell any speaker that piques my interest. 

I'd love to go to Japan and listen to one of those huge, Goto and Kinoshita horn systems for example.