What in your mind represents real technological advancement.

To be a real advancement the technology must improve the sound quality. Just extending the bass or the high end can't be call an advancement if it doesn't sound better. If the bass goes " lower " but is muddy or the highs go higher but are " bright and forward and irritating " then that does not improve the listening experience. So the question is what improvements make a speaker more enjoyable to listen to. 
wolf_garcia "some people out there who question this stuff as illogical marketing scams preying on the sadly gullible?"

Who comprises the sadly gullible is it those who have actually acquired, installed, and tested these modifications, accessories, and treatments or those who’s faith-based beliefs, notions, and convictions inform them that no such experimentation, inquiry, or testing is necessary, required, or desireable before making statements, pronouncements, and declarations about their worth, value, and function?
I wish someone would develop an error detection/correction code that actually works. The Reed Solomon code doesn’t work. They must’ve got two old guys and told them to come up with something, anything. Plus the CD vibrates and flutters like crazy. Sorry, the laser servo mechanism is useless.

Plus the CD vibrates and flutters like crazy. Sorry, the laser servo mechanism is useless."

If you're CD servo is useless there is something, defective, faulty, or misaligned in your CD player component otherwise the CD would not track at all.
Hey guys, we can't forget to take our meds. they are said to reduce those symptoms....